新概念英语 - 第1册 - 第143课

A walk through the woods 林中散步


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I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot. On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere. Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods. What I saw made me very sad. I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators. The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, 'Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!'


surround v. 包围
wood n. 树林
beauty spot 风景点
hundred n. 百
city n. 城市
through prep.穿过
visitor n. 参观者,游客,来访者
tidy adj. 整齐的
litter n. 杂乱的东西
litter basket 废物筐
place v. 放
throw( threw; thrown) v. 扔,抛
rubbish n. 垃圾
count v. 数,点
cover v. 覆盖
piece n. 碎片
tyre n. 轮胎
rusty adj. 生锈的
among prep.在……之间
prosecute v. 依法处置



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